Thursday, July 06, 2006


The late Adrian Rogers loved a turn of phrase and had a special gift of “sound-bite wisdom,” his wife, Joyce Rogers said. Now a collection of his sayings is available in the new book “Adrianisms: The Wit and Wisdom of Adrian Rogers,” published by Love Worth Finding Ministries, which he founded...

Read entire article here.


  1. David,

    I read the BP story before I saw this on your blog. As I read the quotes in the story, in my mind I could hear your dad saying them. I feel almost silly telling you this, as I know it is the case for you as well.

    In the summer of 2004, my wife and I visited Bellevue on a Sunday when your dad was in the pulpit. I remember meeting a member of the church before the service who told me excitedly how fortunate it was that we were visiting on a Sunday when "Pastor" was preaching. Of course, I hadn't left this to "fortune," I had checked the website.

    Your dad closed his sermon with an illustration I'm sure you've heard about a young man on a train returning home to his parents from whom he had been estranged. He had told them to tie a handkerchief up in a tree if he was welcome, and he would see it from the train. He couldn't bear to look as the train approached, and asked the minister sitting with him to tell him what he saw.

    Of course, the whole back yard was festooned with every piece of linen in the house, signalling his welcome and of course illustrating God's welcoming of those who will "repent and return." I will never forget what a powerful preacher of the gospel your father was.

    This is longer than I intended, but the BP piece and then your post brought all this to mind.

    God bless you as you serve Him in Spain.

  2. Those are funny. But I'm sure you could go on for days telling even funnier ones that happened in your home. Thanks for sharing the article.
