Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Denominational Idolatry Reproved

I invite you to check out the following post on Strange BaptistFire referencing the Introductory Sermon to the Georgia Baptist Convention in 1859 by C. D. Mallary, as published recently in the Winter 2006 Founders Journal.

Denominational Idolatry Reproved

It is interesting, refreshing, and confirmatory for me to see that Mallary was saying much the same things back in 1859 that I have been trying to communicate for the last several months on various posts on this blog.

1 comment:

GeneMBridges said...

Thank you for coming by, David. I'm glad to know Dr. Mallary's sermon ministered to you. We may have disagreed on earth about Calvinism, but I’m looking forwarded to hearing Dr. Rogers in the heavenly choir!

God Bless,
